By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35

In 1950, Bishop Andrew D`Souza was appointed as the Bishop of the Pune Diocese. According to the Pastoral Letter issued the same year, he wished to found new missions/Institutions. This wish was realized as it gave birth to the opening of St. Joseph`s Convent.

1950 - 1962
When the Sisters of our Congregation were invited to take over the already existing school of St. Joseph`s Kirkee, Sisters from another congregation were running it as a Primary School, for the Fathers of St. Ignatius Church, Kirkee. The pioneers were Sr. M. Emmanuel, Sr. M. Julia, Sr. M. Marie-Therese,Sr. M. Cleophas and Sr. M. Agatha. The sisters were provided quarters onthe other side of the parochial House and with a little Chapel too. The Sisters had charge of the whole school; however the Parish priest was the Manager. Every year, the number of students increased. The Middle School had 15classes-302 boys and 370 girls. The Primary (private) had 4 classes-191boys and 138 girls. From the year 1951 to 1963, St. Joseph`s Girl`s School, Kirkee was an institution together with the Boys` School of the same name.

The Sisters preferred to have the school bifurcated. They lost no time inlooking for a plot for an independent school only for Girls. They found apiece of land owned by the Military authorities across the cross-roads. The construction of the St. Joseph`s Girls Convent School was soon ready. The sisters shifted to the new quarters in the new building in 1963 in pouring rain. The Sisters, who formed the then community with the effect of transfers to and fro, were: Sr. M. Adelrich, Sr. M Emilia, Sr. M. Julia, Sr. M. Marie-Therese,Sr. M. Lucy, Sr. M. Eva, Sr. M. Eugenie, Sr. M. Gladys and Sr.M. Felicitas as Headmistress.

With Mother M. Adelrich as Superior and Sr. M. Claudia, as Principal, St.Joseph`s Convent grew in every way. The Staff was good. Besides the usual subjects, Catechism and value education, the school offered much more. In the 1970`s there was a Music Teacher from Spicer College, Pune who trained the children in music and Singing. Mother herself took the boarders for singing practice in the evenings, teaching new hymns and songs.
School continued with a new Superior, Sr. M. Luciana. St. Joseph`s grewin strength. The Teachers gave of their best. The students had a series ofinter-house competitions which kept the students buzzing with activities -elocution, flower arrangement, Best out of Waste, Art Contests, and thelike.

2000 - 2010
The year 2000 heralded the Golden Jubilee of St. Joseph`s Convent, Kirkee. To commemorate this event a landmark project was initiated bythe Manager, Sr. M. Hilda. Sanction was obtained